Saturday, June 21, 2014

Our First Adoption Event

From time to time, DFPS coordinates events to allow kids that need parents with parents who need kids.  Today was the first time we attended one of these events.

As I do with everything, I thought way too much going into the event.  I had no idea what it was going to be like.  We received a flyer calling it an "adoption fair".  It also stated that it would be at a park and "water activities" would be involved.  I pictured complete chaos with kids running every which direction and social workers chasing after the strays.

What actually happened was much more organized.  The DFPS staff did a great job and all of the kids were very well behaved.  There were only kids 8 and up, so we didn't meet our kids there, but we still had a good time.  We had to put our parental hats on for the first time ever, so that was very different.  Instead of being the folks on the sidelines having trouble participating, we found ourselves finding those kids on the sidelines and helping them participate.

There were about 50-75 kids total and maybe 20 couples or so.  We helped some of the younger kids learn to fish and Matt helped them take the fish off the hooks when they caught them.  We also took some kids out canoeing.  It really was a good time and helped us get used to interacting with kids, which is a skill neither of us has yet.  We also got to spend some more time talking to our case worker, which was nice.  The more we get to know one another, the better.

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